Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Division of Early Childhood Care and Development is requesting full-scale marketing services for the Preschool Development Grant Birth to Age 5 (PDG B-5) program. Below is a list of deliverables for which MDHS/DECCD are requesting from the awarded marketing firm: 1. Quality Support System branding: a. Graphic design services for 15+ individual badges for credentials i. Art direction ii. File preparation iii. Project management iv. PowerPoint templates for trainings 2. Branding for the Resource and Referral Network: a. Name development b. Logo development c. Color scheme development 3. MS LIFT project continuation: a. Email header and footer for newsletter b. Billboard design c. Social media templates d. Three direct mailing campaigns: i. Graphic design ii. Insert design e. Video production: Including concept, script, video, and post-production: i. One 30 second spot ii. One 15 second spot iii. One 1:30 second spot