Work in this area shall consist of milling and overlaying the existing pavement as per the attached typical sections and details. Prior to the mill and overlay, the island and ramp from north bound SR 495 to east bound SR 16 shall be modified as shown in the drawings following the scope of work. The area to be removed shall be saw cut using pay item 503-C: Saw Cut, Full Depth prior to removal to provide a neat removal area. Removal of the existing island and the curb and gutter around the island will be paid for under pay item 202-B: Removal of Island Pavement, All Types. Removal of the bituminous curb shall be included in the asphalt removal under pay item 202-B: Removal of Asphalt Pavement, All Depths. After removal of pavement is complete, the area to be paved shall be excavated approximately 14” below the surface of the existing road, and this depth could vary depending on field conditions and approval of the Engineer. The excavated material shall be hauled off the project using pay item 203-G: Excess Excavation, LVM, AH. Curb and gutter will be replaced on the side of the island that has been saw cut and new curb and gutter will be placed on the East side of the ramp as shown in the following drawings using pay item 609-D: Combination Curb and Gutter, Type 2...