A. The Offeror shall have the capability to perform Geographic Information System (“GIS”) mapping, analysis and processing using the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (“ESRI”) suite. B. The Offeror shall have sufficient modeling expertise to perform dam breach modeling (onedimensional and two-dimensional). Tasks will require the Offeror to be able to use DSSWISE Lite and HEC-RAS 2D to perform dam breach evaluations for selected dam structures. The Offeror shall have sufficient modeling expertise to also perform hydrology and hydraulic modeling and analysis for spillway capacity evaluations using HydroCAD, HEC-RAS 2D or HEC-HMS. The Offeror shall obtain data, run the model, interpret the results, and prepare report(s) or other final products based on its findings as required by MDEQ. The Offeror shall provide a detailed description of the methodology, assumptions, and rationale used in their conclusions. C. The Offeror shall have the technical expertise to also provide these additional engineering services: 1. Perform field inspections of dams, documenting and reporting identified issues. 2. Perform surveying and provide survey data in necessary format as needed. 3. Provide MDEQ with engineering support staff to serve as MDEQ technical experts in geotechnical, seismic & structural design and analysis for application & design review and construction oversight activities. D. The Offeror shall have the capability to provide Program Management Support Services. Capabilities may include, but are not limited to: 1. Coordinate within MDEQ, external stakeholders, agency partners, consultants and other entities; perform ancillary management duties such as meeting facilitation, agenda development and minutes documentation. 2. Coordinate with appropriate MDEQ staff as required to administer assigned project(s). 3. Perform contract monitoring and progress reviews of grant or sub-award activities. 4. Review and provide appropriate comments regarding requests for payment. 5. Monitor and evaluate performance of services to establish adequacy relative to agreement requirements. 6. Research, review and develop BMPs for current methodologies and procedures. 7. Provide project management support services as necessary to adjust MDEQ’s resource and expertise requirements, as well as provide specialized training to MDEQ staff.