Bidder shall provide DOM with professional document destruction services for the Central Office and all 30 DOM Regional locations listed in Attachment I, DOM Central and Regional Office Locations. Documents to be shredded contain Personal Health Information, and therefore the documents shall be disposed of in a secure and confidential manner. Bidders shall provide monthly on-site shredding services for the Central Office and each Regional Office location to support DOM's document scanning initiatives. The service shall accommodate a monthly collection of up to 100 95-96 gallon rolling bins per location per month. Additionally, four (4) 95-96 gallon rolling bins will remain on-site at each location for paper collection and storage and be included in the monthly 100-bin collection limit. The volume of documents varies between each of our Office locations. Bidder shall maintain all bins in operable condition, replacing locks, lids, handles, etc. as needed at no cost to DOM. Contractor shall replace damaged containers at no additional charge to DOM. A master key should be provided to each Regional Office Manager and the Central Office Manager. The Central Office and the DOM Regional Offices will primarily have paper material (office papers, computer paper, colored paper, file folders, envelopes, etc.). Bidder should disclose the condition of documents to be accepted for shredding. Bidder shall provide a list of other types of media that can be collected and destroyed. Shredding pick-ups must be scheduled between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. Specific dates and times will be arranged in coordination with each of the Office locations and the contractor. Shredding pick-ups will generally occur on the same day of the week, unless the contractor provides at least 24 hours' notice to schedule a different day. The contractor will coordinate with the Office Manager to determine the rescheduled pick-up day...