The City of Ferguson (“City”) is soliciting proposals to provide audit services for a period of three fiscal years, June 30, 2022, 2023, and 2024. The audit services must be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The examinations shall also be made in compliance with laws of the state of Missouri.
The City reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of the proposal, to waive technicalities and to accept the offer considered to be the most advantageous to the city.
A Physical or Electronic copy of the Request for Proposal bid packets are required to be submitted by no later than 4:00 pm, Friday, April 29th, 2022. Electronic copies can be submitted to Physical copies can be sent to the City Clerk, 110 Church Street, Ferguson, MO 63135 at which time they will be publicly opened. Each proposal shall be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL-AUDIT SERVICES. Proposals will become a part of the City files and will not be returned.