This project restores and/or improves storm water flow between a 4’x4’ box culvert extending under I-270 to the west and a 4’x6’ box culvert located at the rear of Washington Court to the south that receives the drainage. The work includes the removal of vegetation and sediment, construction of a 10’ wide flat bottom ditch with rock blanket bottom and revegetation blanket side slopes, and soil fill to improve drainage. The proposed improvement consists of approximately 241 linear feet of 10’ wide flat bottom ditch, 40 linear feet of 8” ductile iron pipe sanitary sewer replacement, 245 linear feet of 2’ high x 10’ wide soil fill to improve drainage. The scope of work includes the removal of select trees and other vegetation, removal of improvements, earth grading operations, the construction/placement of sanitary sewers, rock blanket, revegetation blanket including native seeds and live stakes, seeding and sodding. MoDOT project JSLM0045 will be contracted separately to complete additional drainage improvements on the MoDOT right-of-way. Coordination with MoDOT may be necessary.