Specifications include, but are not limited to:. The contractor shall provide Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Program services on behalf of the Department of Social Services (hereinafter referred to as the state agency) in accordance with the provisions and requirements stated herein and to the sole satisfaction of the state agency for the geographic region(s) identified in the Notice of Award issued by the Division of Purchasing. The contractor shall provide A2A services for women who meet the specified eligibility criteria (hereinafter referred to as clients) within the awarded geographic region. The geographic regions shall be as defined in Attachment 2, Geographic Regions. Although the contract award is based on geographic region, the contractor may provide the Alternatives to Abortion Program services for clients from outside the awarded geographic region. In the event of multiple contract awards for a geographic region, the contractor shall understand and agree that it shall solely be the client’s decision regarding which Alternatives to Abortion Program contractor from which to access services; but the state agency anticipates that the client’s selection of an Alternatives to Abortion Program contractor will be based in part upon geographic location. The contractor may transfer a client to another A2A contractor only for good cause as determined in consultation with the client, and upon written approval by, the state agency. At a minimum, the contractor shall serve the number of clients proposed in the contractor’s awarded proposal.. Assessment to Determine Client Risk and Needs for Services – Within 24 hours of the client’s enrollment into the A2A Program, the contractor shall conduct a comprehensive risk and needs assessment based on the requirements of Section 188.325.2, RSMo to determine the unique needs for services for each client. The contractor shall include the following areas in the risk and needs assessment for the delivery of wrap around services: Prenatal care; Medical and mental health care; Parenting skills; Drug and alcohol testing and treatment; Child care, and newborn and infant care; Housing and utilities; Educational services; Food, clothing, and supplies relating to pregnancy, newborn care, and parenting; Adoption assistance; Job training and placement; Establishing and promoting responsible paternity; Ultrasound services; Case management; Domestic abuse protection; Transportation; and Other Services. Individualized Care Plan – Upon completion of the risk and needs assessment and within five (5) business days of the client’s enrollment in the A2A Program, the contractor shall design and implement an Individualized Care Plan based on the client’s specific needs. The Individualized Care Plan shall: outline the services that will be provided to the client to minimize the likelihood of abortion and maximize the likelihood for a healthy pregnancy that will be carried to term; include personal and life goals as they relate to self-sufficiency; and include performance and outcome metrics. The Individualized Care Plan may include the purchase of specific items to minimize the likelihood of abortion and improve the pregnancy outcome, subject to the limits described in Attachment 3, List of Limitations on Requests for other Services. The contractor shall provide a Client Advisor for each client. The contractor’s Client Advisor shall serve as the client’s main point of contact. The contractor’s Client Advisor shall oversee the implementation of the client’s Individualized Care Plan. The contractor shall make appropriate referrals based on the client’s individual needs, as identified in the Individualized Care Plan, including, at a minimum, providing assistance to apply for the programs and services specified at https://mydss.mo.gov/media/pdf/missouri-resource-guide. On-going Case Management – The contractor shall utilize sound case management practices to implement each client’s Individualized Care Plan through a Client Advisor for the duration of the client’s enrollment in the A2A Program.