Specifications include, but are not limited to: Phase I: Conduct focus groups with students, families, teachers, principals, central office staff, and community partners. Identify strengths, challenges, opportunities, and effectiveness of the curriculum and resources. Review professional development offerings related to culturally responsive teaching. Provide a detailed analysis of district data relative to student academic performance. Provide a detailed analysis of district data relative to student academic performance, enrollment based on tracking, discipline, achievement, attendance, social-emotional needs, special education services, and English Learner classification. Disaggregate the data by race/ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, disability, and English language proficiency. Phase II: Preliminary findings report with presentation to the district’s academic leadership team halfway through the audit. Review current efforts to recruit and retain staff of color. Provide recommendations on how to improve staff recruitment and strategies on how to support a diverse workforce by creating a welcoming, bias-free work environment. Recommend strategies used by other districts that have successfully increased the diversity of their teaching force. Provide recommendations on how to improve staff recruitment and strategies on how to support a diverse workforce by creating a welcoming, bias-free work environment. Review the curriculum to ensure it is fully representative of our community and provide recommendations on how to increase representation within the curriculum. Review pedagogical approaches and beliefs among teachers and how implicit bias manifests in practice. Review family and community engagement practices and provide recommendations on strategies for creating a safe and welcoming environment for families to engage with the curriculum.