The City of St. Joseph is seeking the services of a qualified contractor to complete the modernization of one passenger and one freight elevator located at City Hall, 1100 Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph, Missouri. All related work will be the contractor’s responsibility. The expected work will include the removal and disposal of elevator components, refurbishment of components, electrical work, minimum one year warranty, and all other work necessary to provide finished, fully functional State of Missouri certified elevators. The successful contractor will be expected to provide input on the proposed scope of work and offer value engineering opportunities. The contractor will also be required to provide a minimum one-year warranty. The successful contractor shall include all necessary labor, material, hoisting, rigging, and cartage for the removal of all unused and abandoned equipment both directly and indirectly related to the modernized elevators. This equipment shall be removed from the premises and become the property of the Contractor unless previously determined otherwise by the owner. All equipment, materials, oils, lubricants and cleaning compounds shall be properly disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with all the hazardous waste regulatory requirements and environmental standards of the State of Missouri and any other agency having jurisdiction.