The FSMC shall comply with the rules, regulations, policies, and instructions of the SA and USDA and any additions or amendments thereto, including USDA Regulation 7 CFR Part 210, 220, 245, 250, 3016, 3017, 3018, and3019. 2. The FSMC shall not sell or offer on the premises of any school, any food, or beverage item other than the prescribed meals except those a la carte items authorized by the LEA. 3. The FSMC shall serve, on such days and at such times as requested by the LEA: a. Lunches, breakfasts, and after school snack priced as a unit, which meet the requirements prescribed by USDA. b. Milk, served to all children. c. Other foods as may be agreed upon by the FSMC and the LEA. 4. The FSMC shall serve free and reduced-priced meals, after school snacks or free milk to those children designated by the LEA. 5. The FSMC is required to make meal modifications for students with a disability. Substitutions are made on a case-by-case basis and must be supported by a medical statement describing the student’s physical or mental impairment. The medical statement must be signed by a medical authority (Physician – M.D. or D.O., Physician Assistant, Assistant Physician or Nurse Practitioner). The FSMC is permitted to make meal modifications for a student without a disability if the modification can be made within the meal pattern. 6. The FSMC shall participate in the parent, teacher, and student advisory boards. 7. The FSMC shall implement the collection procedures as specified by the LEA.