Specifications include, but are not limited to: This document constitutes a request for proposal from prospective offerors for the purchase of products/services specified herein in accordance with the requirements and provisions stated herein. The information included in the solicitation are examples of products/services that may be procured throughout the year, not to be interpreted as all-inclusive or as a guarantee. Additional products/services other than those specified may be requested on an as needed basis. The District provides education for over 24,000 students in K-12 and is the largest district in Missouri. Its boundaries cover over 138 square miles and encompass the City of Springfield, Missouri and parts of the City of Battlefield and Greene County. The District’s facilities currently include the following: 29 elementary schools (K-5), 2 elementary schools (K-4), 6 middle schools (6-8), 1 intermediate school (5-6), 4 combination schools (K-8), 5 high schools (9-12), and 6 early childhood centers. In addition to these school buildings, the District has a center for gifted education and a center for alternative education. The District owns and maintains six support facilities providing administrative, operational, and educational services.