The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), St. Louis District is seeking businesses that are interested in and capable of performing environmental restoration work throughout the Denmark and Drift Island side channel complex. The project area is approximately 3,320 acres of island, side channel, backwater, and floodplain forest on the left descending bank of the Mississippi River between river miles (RMs) 295 and 288, approximately nine miles west of the town of Atlas, in Pike County, Illinois. The area lies within Navigation Pool 24 of the Mississippi River between Lock and Dam 22 and Lock and Dam 24. The project consists of open-water placement of stone of various gradations on the riverbed throughout the side channel complex. The stone is meant to remain submerged and be spread in various densities per the contract specifications. The project also includes in-water excavation of multiple backwater areas and construction of a gravel road with multiple low-water crossings throughout Drift Island. The work is anticipated to be accomplished with land-based equipment as well as traditional river marine construction equipment, such as floating plant and barge with a mounted crane or excavator.