The contract shall provide engineering expertise to complete a study the I-70 Business Loop Corridor between Stadium Boulevard and Eastland Circle for a future complete street enhancement project. The study shall address the planning and design elements needed to move the I-70 Business Loop Corridor project forward to construction and revitalize a long-neglected area. The intent is to apply for a future RAISE or similar type grant to complete the construction of the project. The planning study of the I-70 Business Loop corridor shall be between Stadium Boulevard and Eastland Circle and shall also reach out to neighborhoods that extend to the north and south of the corridor. This stretch of roadway is approximately four miles touching many businesses, schools, a cemetery, and a large public park. Therefore, the streetscape elements may not be the same throughout the entire length of the corridor. In addition, the Loop Community Improvement District (CID) is an active planning organization that covers Business Loop 70 between I-70 Drive Southwest and College Avenue. The Loop CID has developed a corridor plan and an economic development plan which included a large amount of public input by stake holders. This plan shall be included in determining the conceptual alternatives and preliminary plans.