*******Amendment 1, 28 August 2024*********
Please refer to attachment "FA462524Q1099_Amendment 1" for additional Q&A's for vendor questions and government answers.
There will be no extension. Quotes remain due 4 September 2024 at 1:00 PM Central Time.
*******Original Post********
The contractor shall furnish lodging accommodations for the 442nd Fighter Wing personnel during Unit Training Assemblies (UTA) at Whiteman Air Force Base on a contract rental basis. Hotel must be located within twenty-five (25) road miles of the Spirit Gate, Whiteman AFB using only numbered state and U.S. highways.
a. Providing reservations for a specified number of rooms and beds for specified Friday and Saturday nights as scheduled in the Bid Schedule. The Government reserves the right to cancel all scheduled rooms in a UTA with the contractor, at no cost to the government, with a 30 day advance notice. The Government also reserves the right to cancel up to ten (10) percent of scheduled rooms with the contractor for a specified UTA, at no cost to the Government, with a five (5) day notice.
b. Provide parking facilities.
c. In case of a Contingency (electrical outage, water main break, an act of God or fire), personnel will be transported to and billeted in, another lodging facility of equal quality at no additional expense to the individual or the Government.
d. The contractor shall notify the Government upon any name change to this establishment which name appears in block 9 of this contract.
e. The contractor shall provide to the Government a roll up receipt for each billing. (One charge instead of individually charging the government credit card for each individual room used on the same date/dates) Along with the roll up receipt, a detailed listing of charges including names of individuals for which makes up each charge, must accompany receipt.