****(1): Job J8I3044C Route I-44 GREENE County. Grading, drainage, and pavement from Route H to Route 65 in Springfield, the total length of improvement being 2.03 miles.****(2): Job J8I3225 Route I-44 GREENE County. Resurface from 0.6 miles west of Route 266 (Chestnut Expwy) to Route 160 in Springfield, the total length of improvement being 3.637 miles.****(3): Job JST0088B Route I-44 GREENE County. Pavement improvements from Route 13 to Route 65 in Springfield, the total length of improvement being 4.705 miles.****(4): Job JSU0076 Route I-44 GREENE County. Grading, drainage, bridge, and pavement from Route 13 to Route H in Springfield, the total length of improvement being 2.675 miles.****(5): Job JSU0114 Route I-44 GREENE County. Sound abatement on the eastbound lanes from Summitt Avenue to National Avenue in Springfield, the total length of improvement being 0.469 miles.