The Joplin Area Transportation Study Organization (JATSO) is seeking to develop an updated Metropolitan Transportation Plan pursuant to the federal requirements of 23 CFR 450.324 and 23 CFR 450.316. The updated MTP should emphasize equity (particularly analysis of benefits/burdens of selected projects/strategies for traditionally underserved populations within the MPO), freight analysis, complete streets efforts, and safety initiatives. The update should provide an analysis of transit coordination, connections, and/or improvements. It is preferable that the updated MTP shows projects completed and/or improvement impacts from the projects and strategies outlined in the last MTP and how those shape the content of the new plan update. MTP should provide a summary of the project selection process used to identify the committed projects in the plan and how those projects tied back to the identified performance measures/targes for improvement. MTP update is to contain a detailed information on the MPO boundary profile as well as identified challenges within the region.