MU Healthcare (MUHC) is seeking a vendor to provide 24/7/365 supplemental virtual care neurology and stroke telehealth physician services by implementing a highly integrated (practice in) tele specialist program to support the medical director, and to serve the needs of the facilities they serve. Initial implementation would focus on Stroke and neurology services for inpatient coverage for MUHC enterprise facilties with potential opportunities to expand to our affiliate organizations and outpatient services in the future. Some follow-up care may be required/needed. This can be provided by either physicians or APP’s. The awarded supplier would provide services for the enterprise and may include affiliate locations. Core facilities for MUHC include, but are not limited to; University of Missouri Hospital (Stroke Accredited); Women and Childrens Hospital; Missouri Orthopedic Institute; Ellis Fischel Cancer Hospital; Missouri Psychiatric Center; Capital Region Medical Center; Affiliate organizations; Most services will focus around University of Missouri Hospital and Capital Region Medical Center. Additional services will be added and volume increased as affiliate sites are added.