In collaboration with the state agency, the contractor shall develop and continually update, as needed, a written policy and procedure manual for the administration of the reentry services. The policies and procedures shall be consistent with the state agency’s policies and procedures and the provisions and requirements stated herein and must be approved by the state agency prior to issuance. The contractor’s policies and procedures must include instructions for the offenders, the supervising Probation and Parole officer, contractor’s personnel, subcontractors and community resource providers relating to the provision of services. The contractor’s policies and procedures must address the fact that any disputes arising from conflicts with the state agency policy or other service provision shall be resolved through collaboration by the contractor and the state agency. The contractor’s policies and procedures must include a goal and plan to meet the objective of a diversified staff. The contractor’s policy and procedures must clearly state that any services/activities that did not receive prior authorization from the state agency shall not be paid nor reimbursed...