Specifications include, but are not limited to: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to obtain competitive proposals from qualified companies capable of providing setup, configuration, maintenance, backup, and support of a cloud-based infrastructure to run ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise Server with GeoEvent Server for the City of O’Fallon. Proposal will provide all costs involved for the cloud-based infrastructure to facilitate ArcGIS Server, SQL Server, file server, web server, up to three remote workstations to allow for editing and manipulation of cloud-based GIS data, and any other devices necessary to support the completed ArcGIS Server environment. The City currently maintains an Enterprise Licensing contract with ESRI. Therefore, all ArcGIS software costs should not be included in the proposal. Proposal may include optional equipment related to the efficient operation of the system. However, the proposal must be broken into individual components to allow the City flexibility regarding final purchase.