The contractor shall provide the contractor shall provide a Senior and WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (S/FMNP) Food Instrument Banking Accounts for the Department of Agriculture in accordance with the provisions and requirements stated herein and to the sole satisfaction of the department. Food instruments shall be defined as electronic benefits issued by the state agency each totaling $50 that are used by low-income seniors and $20-$30 per eligible WIC recipient as a form of payment to an authorized farmer to purchase farmers’ market products. The electronic benefits are transferred to the authorized farmers designated bank account. The state agency estimates, but does not guarantee, a total value of $415,000 benefits. The state agency will send funding for benefit transactions to be managed by the contractor. The state agency will ensure there is funding available on an as needed basis. It is anticipated that the state agency will deposit no more than $415,000 in the banking account at any given time. In November of each year, any funds not disbursed shall be returned to the state agency. The contractor must provide and implement a secure online S/FMNP banking account that is accessible to the state agency. The online S/FMNP banking account must include, but not be limited to, the following features: Ability to capture and provide benefit transactions to the state agency; and Provide daily reports showing current balances and transactions.