a. Compile existing City historical research and records into a comprehensive context that provides a broad overview of the area’s historical development. b. Review and compile existing State, regional, City, and Commission documents and tools, such as Missouri’s Comprehensive Statewide Historic Preservation Plan, the Missouri Route 66 Corridor Management Plan, the Wildwood Master Plan, Wildwood Economic Development Guide, Wildwood Town Center Development Manual, including Architectural Guidelines, the City’s Historic Preservation and Restoration Code, the Wildwood Historic Building Inventory, Historic Survey Reports, Wildwood Points of Interest Map, Wildwood History Book, Wildwood Historic Community Markers Program, Route 66 Roadside Park Engagement Memorandum, Student Route 66 Taskforce products and materials, Essen Log Cabin Reconstruction Project documents, Wildwood Historic Register documents, and area archaeological studies and reports, as well as other historical records and materials relevant to the plan, as determined. c. Conduct a series of meetings and workshops intended to deeply inform and engage interested stakeholders in the planning process (broad engagement will be conducted by the HPC). d. Gather, assess, and compile public input comments, submittals, and other information for inclusion into the plan. e. Lead and direct the development of design strategies, in conjunction with the Historic Preservation Commission, Architectural Review Board, and Planning and Zoning Commission, for historic areas in Wildwood Town Center. f. Lead and direct the development of economic/cultural heritage tourism strategies, in conjunction with the City Council’s Economic Development Committee and the community, for the City’s original alignment of Historic Route 66. g. Provide recommendations to the City in partnership with the HPC and community, so the voice of the plan reflects the community’s vision.