Summary of Specifications:
The City intends to award a Contract(s) to the lowest responsible Bidder(s). On multi-divisional contracts, separate divisions may be awarded to separate Bidders. The City may also utilize discounts offered in the Bid Forms, if any, to determine the lowest responsible Bidder on each division, and award multiple divisions to a single Bidder, so that the lowest total cost is achieved for the City. For unit price bids, the contract will be awarded based upon the lump sum and unit prices stated by the bidder for the work items specified in the bid documents, with consideration given to any alternates selected by the City. If the City determines that the unit price for any item is materially different for the work item bid than either other bidders or the general market, the City, in its sole discretion, in addition to any other right it may have, may reject the bid as not responsible or non-conforming.
The acceptability of major subcontractors will be considered in determining if a Bidder is responsible. In comparing proposals, the City will give consideration to alternate proposals for items listed in the forms, or other alternates which the Bidder may wish to submit, but preference will be given to Base Bid Proposals.
The City reserves the right to accept any Bid, to reject any or all Bids, to waive irregularities and/or informalities in any Bid, and to make the award in any manner the City believes to be in its best interest.