Summary of Specifications:
The City of Birmingham, Michigan Police Department is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of (50) Sig Sauer model P226R .40S&W pistols until Thursday, June 14, 2012 @ 10:00 a.m. at which time the bids will be publicly opened in the office of the city clerk, 151 Martin, Birmingham, MI, 48009. The pistols will include the following specifications: QUANTITY (50) SIG SAUER P226R, .40S&W PISTOLS with NIGHT SIGHTS All bids must include a trade in credit for the following weapons: QUANTITY (50) USED SIG SAUER P226 .357 cal. PISTOLS Bidders may also include a quote for (50) Safariland holsters with the following specifications: 6280-77-81 or 82 Mid Ride, Level lll retention for pistols, black, basket weave, right or left hand, for Sig Sauer P226R, with full size hammer 4.41” BBL Submit bids in a sealed envelope marked “SIG SAUER P226R .40S&W BID”, and indicate the date and time of the bid opening on the envelope. The City of Birmingham reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any irregularity in a bid when deemed in the best interest of the City. The acceptance of any proposal made pursuant to this invitation to bid shall not be binding upon the City until a written purchase order has been delivered to the successful bidder. Documentation and quotations shall be in submitted in accordance with the specifications and bid form prepared by the Police Department. Specifications are available exclusively via the Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network (MITN).* Ellen DeView Staff & Services Coordinator Posted: MITN: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 * The City of Birmingham is now part of an organization called the Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network (MITN), a group of agencies that joined forces to create a regional bid notification system to notify companies of new bid opportunities. Bids, quotations and proposals are now being posted online. All vendors are encouraged to visit and click on “The Michigan MITN System” link in order to register their company and gain access to new bids and proposals. If you do not have internet access, please call 1-800-835-4603, to speak to a representative at BidNet®, the technical support group that handles the MITN system.