Summary of Specifications:
Sealed bids will be received by the city of Owosso for the 2014 South Park Street Resurfacing. Major items include 1270 SYD cold milling bituminous surface, 310 tons HMA_E3 superpave. All bids must be accompanied by a certified Cashier's Check or Bid Bond for a sum of not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid and made payable to the city of Owosso. The amount shall be forfeited in case of failure on the part of the successful bidder to sign a contract and furnish satisfactory bonds as required ten (10) consecutive calendar days after the acceptance of the bid by the city of Owosso. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory performance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract. The proposal, contract forms, plans and specifications are on file and may be obtained at the office of the Bid Coordinator, City Hall, 301 W. Main Street, Owosso, MI 48867, from the city of Owosso website at or from the MITN website at The city reserves the right to accept any proposal; or to reject any proposal; to waive irregularities in a proposal; or to negotiate if it appears to be in the best interest of the city of Owosso.