Dated Thursday, November 7, 2024: The City of Rochester Hills is requesting proposals from
General Contractors, Firms, Vendors, and/or Fabricators with experience in the fabrication and
installation of gateway and park signage features that require the selected firm to also provide
for some general landscaping and electric work at select locations. Sealed Proposals will be
received by the City of Rochester Hills Purchasing Division, 1000 Rochester Hills Drive,
Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309 via Electronic Submission ONLY through the MITN website until
EXACTLY 3:00 P.M. Local time, Thursday, December 5, 2024 at which time and place said
proposer’s names and addresses ONLY will be read via Zoom Teleconference.
The City of Rochester Hills officially distributes bid documents from the Purchasing Division or
through the Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network (MITN). Copies of bid documents
obtained from any other source are not considered official copies. Only those vendors who
obtain bid documents from either the Purchasing Division or the MITN System are guaranteed
access to receive addendum information, if such information is issued. The first step to do
business with the City is to become a registered vendor by visiting the City website at, select Departments, Fiscal, Accounting & Purchasing, Procurement
Division, Vendor Registration to link to the MITN website.
Any deviations from the specifications must be noted on the proposal.
Please submit proposal through the MITN website on or before the date and time given above
Lisa Cummins, CPPB
Procurement Manager
City of Rochester Hills
1000 Rochester Hills Drive
Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309
All proposals must be submitted electronically via the MITN website. Hardcopy responses will
not be accepted. The City of Rochester Hills is capable of accepting documents in docx, xlsx,
pdf, jpg, tif or rtf formats. It is requested that you upload one complete document, versus that
of several individual sheets. Please name your files accordingly if more than one file is uploaded
to the site.
Please carefully review this document. It provides specific information necessary to aid Vendors
in formulation of a thorough response. A formal comprehensive review period will be conducted
to ensure that the City selects the best possible services available at the best value to the City.
The submission of a proposal hereunder shall be considered evidence that the vendor is satisfied
with respect to the conditions to be encountered and the character, quantity and quality of work
to be performed. Proposals shall be in conformance with the documents. Any deviation from
the specifications must be noted in the Proposal. With a view to obtaining the most acceptable
services, these specifications cover the general requirements. Recommendations from
proposers are encouraged and will be reviewed and evaluated based on the best interests of the
To respond to this RFP, interested Vendors must include a response to all criteria that are listed
in this proposal. Failure to include a response to all evaluation criteria may be cause for rejection.
This document is a Request for Proposals. It differs from a Request for Bid/Quotation in that the
City is seeking a solution as described herein, not a bid/quotation meeting firm specifications
for the lowest price. Proposers are to provide their proposed solution based on their professional
knowledge and developed around the Scope of Work and General Requirements defined within
this proposal. As such, the lowest price proposed will not guarantee an award recommendation.
Competitive sealed proposals will be evaluated based upon criteria formulated around the most
important features of a product or service, of which quality, testing, references, or capability, may
be overriding factors, and price may not be determinative in the issuance of a contract or award.
The proposal evaluation criteria should be viewed as standards, which measure how well a
proposer’s approach meets the desired requirements and needs of the City. The criteria that will
be used and considered in evaluation for the award are set forth in this document.
It is the City’s intent to contract with a firm that meets the qualifications as defined within the
Request for Proposals offering the overall best value to the City. General information regarding
the City of Rochester Hills is available at
Proposers wanting to view the proposal opening are invited to do so utilizing the following
meeting information listed below. We are requesting that you not attend in person to limit
capacity within City Hall during this time and it is possible that City buildings may not be open to
the public at the time of the opening.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: December 5, 2024 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: RFP-RH-24-066 Gateway and Park Signage Project
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 829 7843 8589