The City of Rochester Hills is accepting quotations for a one-time purchase of One (1) Outdoor Drinking Fountain. All pricing must include shipping to City of Rochester Hills, Borden Park Maintenance Building, 1300 East Hamlin Road, Rochester Hills, MI 48307
If you are interested in providing a quotation, please fill in the following information and, mail, fax or submit online, no later than the due date of Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. All hardcopy (mailed or faxed) quotations shall be directed to the attention of Andrea Quinn, Procurement Analyst, City of Rochester Hills, Purchasing Division, 1000 Rochester Hills Drive, Rochester Hills, MI 48309; Fax: 248.608.8178, Email:, or submitted online through the MITN website at
Only those persons(s) designated above are authorized to seek additional information from prospective vendors regarding their quote proposals. Correspondence or inquiries made directly to vendors regarding their quote proposals from all other persons are to be directed to those City employee(s) designated above for appropriate review and response. All inquiries shall be made in writing on or before Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. EST, in order that a written response in the form of an addendum can be processed before the quotes are due. Inquires received after that date will not be considered.
As this quotation is being made available by electronic means, the vendor accepts full responsibility to ensure that no changes are made to the quotation documents. In the event of conflict between a version of the quotation submitted by vendor and the version maintained by the City of Rochester Hills Purchasing Division, the version maintained by the City of Rochester Hills Purchasing Division shall govern.