In order to address the range of issues identified above, the City will develop a corridor design plan with emphasis on redevelopment, complimentary land uses, and midtown design. The subject corridor design plan will address:
1. The distribution, location, and extent of land uses and pedestrian-friendly, bicycle-friendly areas.
2. The distribution, location, extent and intensity of essential city-owned parcel project opportunities needed to support these land uses.
3. A vision for the corridor, specifically the target areas.
4. Recommended standards and criteria by which development and redevelopment of existing city-owned properties can proceed, natural resources will be conserved, and corridor identity can be enhanced.
5. A program of recommended implementation measures including regulations, policies, public works projects, and financing measures needed to carry out the plan.
6. Other subjects necessary or desirable to implement the plan.
A sample outline for the plan could be as follows:
Midtown design plan
o Architectural themes
o Land use arrangement
o Siting and scale of buildings
o Possible parking areas
o Landscaping
o Street-scaping
• Including cross walks, bike paths, LED light fixtures.
o Other public improvements (i.e. parks)
o Cost estimates
Future land use plan
o Parcel-level future land use recommendations
o Changes in existing patterns
o Focal points
Passageway plan
o Connectivity
• Between Telegraph and Allen Road
o Interaction between nodes/areas of interest
o Midtown corridor signage on Telegraph with pre-existing elements
o Access management
o Wayfinding