The City of Saline is seeking bids for Biosolids Hauling.
PLEASE NOTE: To mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to City of Saline residents; the City of Saline boards and commissions are conducting all meetings by video teleconference with no public access to participate at the meeting location in accordance with public health gathering crowd size limitations, social distancing recommendations and Michigan Governor’s Executive Order 2020-21. It is the intention to of the City to be in compliance with EO 2020-21, EO 2020-15 and also the Open Meetings Act in order to promote government accountability and fostering openness in government to enhance responsible decision-making.
This meeting will be available via the internet on ZOOM and can be accessed by the following link:
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PLEASE NOTE: To mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to City of Saline residents; the City of Saline Clerk's Office is conducting all bid openings by video teleconference with no public access to participate at the bid opening location in accordance with public health gathering crowd size limitations, social distancing recommendations and Michigan Governor’s Executive Order 2020-21. It is the intention to of the City to be in compliance with EO 2020-21, EO 2020-15 and also the Open Meetings Act in order to promote government accountability and fostering openness in government to enhance responsible decision-making.
This bid opening will be available via the internet on ZOOM and can be accessed by the following link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 750 328 614
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