Summary of Specifications:
The Wayne County Treasurer shall contact the Contractor by telephone and email when any of the following services are needed on properties owned by the Wayne County Treasurer:
1. Contractor shall use professional methods, expertise and judgment to secure or re-secure structure openings with ¾” plywood and 2” x 4” studs on the first floor and any basement windows accessible from the outside and securing all doors including locksmith services. The front door must be secured with a padlock of at least 2” and padlock key must be labeled with address and given to the Treasurer’s coordinator. Contractor may use the HUD specification or their professional judgment in the manner of securing the structure. Contractor must supply all tools and supplies necessary to complete work. The securing of each structure shall last a minimum of one year.
2. Contractor shall mow all grass on property to the height of 3” or less. If grass is over 6”in length, bidder must dispose of clipping. Grass height for normal mow is 12” or less. Overgrowth of trees, bushes and other vegetation must be cut down, removed from property and disposed of properly. 3. Contractor shall remove all snow with depth of 2” inches or more from the public sidewalk and front walk of the property from public sidewalk to entrance door 4. After receiving written approval from the Treasurer or Treasurer coordinator, remove and properly dispose of overgrowth of trees and bushes on the front, back and sides of the property. Contractor shall notify the Treasurer or Treasurer coordinator of all hazardous materials on the property and must obtain written approval of the Treasurer or the Treasurer coordinator before disposal of the same. All hazardous materials must be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal laws. 5. After receiving written approval from the Treasurer or Treasurer coordinator, remove and properly dispose of all debris, including, but not limited to tires, concrete, furniture and garbage. Contractor shall notify the Treasurer or Treasurer coordinator of all hazardous materials on the property and must obtain written approval of the Treasurer or the Treasurer coordinator before disposal of the same. All hazardous materials must be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal laws. 6. If the structure is occupied, the Contractor shall take a photograph of said property and report to the Treasurer coordinator immediately. No work shall be done until the Contractor receives an approval to proceed in writing from the Treasurer coordinator.
7. Contractor must take before and after photographs of each property serviced. Address or marker must be visible on photograph for reference. Photos must be delivered to Treasurer’s coordinator. 8. Small and large lot sizes including structure. Small shall be considered to be 6000 square feet or less; large shall be 6001 square feet or more. If there is a lot of unusual size, Contractor must contact Treasurer’s coordinator to negotiate a fair and equitable price prior to beginning work. Only the property owned by the Treasurer shall be serviced.
9. Transportation of workers and materials is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Treasurer will not pay the Contractor for overtime, holiday or other premium charges or other benefits. 10. When requested by the Treasurer or Treasurer coordinator, the Contractor shall take photographs of the front, back and sides of any property requested. Address or marker must be visible on photograph for reference. Photos must be delivered to Treasurer’s coordinator. 11. Contractor must commence work on any requested service within 24 hours of the request, and must complete the requested service within 72 hours of the request.
12. Contractor must immediately notify the Treasurer or Treasurer coordinator in writing of any dangerous or unusual conditions on the property. 13. Anything unusual or extreme shall be brought to the attention of the Treasurer coordinator immediately. Notification shall be in writing. The Treasurer at its sole discretion shall negotiate a fair and equitable price for such circumstances. 14. All work must be done in accordance with all local, state and federal laws. 15. Contractor or its subcontractor shall have all necessary licenses and permits, if any waste or debris must be disposed of at a restricted dump site. All hazardous materials must be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal laws. 16. The Contractor must submit a completed “Contractor’s Activity Report,” Appendix F to the attached Form of Contract which is signed by an authorized officer of the Contractor and indicates the Contractor's activities for each day worked.
17. Contractor agrees that it has the ability to service a minimum of twenty 20 properties within a 30-day period of time in any of the following service groups, or combination thereof, in accordance with the scope of services: Group A) Securing/re-securing structures; Group B) Lawn mowing, snow removal, removal and disposal of overgrowth of trees, bushes and other vegetation; and Group C) Removal of debris (other than yard debris from Group B).