Summary of Specifications:
Washtenaw County has a centralized system for copiers for all departments. Within the last two years, the county has purchased multi-functional digital copiers to do copying, printing and faxing. Washtenaw County does not lease any copiers. Information and Technology Service department has been doing all the hook-ups for the network and fax.
Washtenaw County is accepting bids for the purchase of low-volume and mid-volume digital copy machines, characterized as “convenience copiers”, for various Washtenaw County Departments. Department copiers are replaced each year after they reach five or more years of service, have the minimum amount of copies and based on their history record. Therefore bidder’s copiers are expected to have a commensurate life span, and to operate reliably with a low mean time between failure over the life of the copier. Majority of copiers will be black and white, however there are occasions that a color copier will be needed. An analysis of departmental copying patterns shows that current copier usage and desired copier features are as follows:
MACHINE USAGE Currently we have 111 black and white copiers, and 6 color copiers. These copiers are replaced each year after they reach five or more years of service, have the minimum amount of copies, and based on their history record.
The approximate amount needed to purchase per year are as follows:
2009 – 20 copiers 2010 – 16 copiers 2011 – 15 copiers