Summary of Specifications:
The federal Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 established the United States Employment Services (ES) to provide a nationwide labor exchange system. ES is administered in each state by State Employment Security Agencies. In Michigan, ES is administered by the Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth (DELEG). Locally, ES is managed by the Washtenaw County MWA/ETCS. The main purpose of the ES Program is to provide labor exchange services to businesses and job seekers. It does this by focusing on a variety of employment-related services including, job search assistance, job referral, placement assistance, re-employment services to unemployment insurance claimants, and recruitment services to employers.
The Washtenaw County Workforce Development Board (WDB) encourages partnering and collaboration to deliver the most effective services to have the greatest possible community impact. If your proposal involves a partnership, you should provide a letter of agreement generally outlining the partnership and the activities or services of each of the partners. Before funding, partnerships will have to be firmly established by means of formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU, whether developed as an umbrella agreement with a variety of agencies, or independently with a particular partner must contain, at a minimum, the following information: • A description of what customer services will be provided by each partner • How the costs of services and operating costs of the partnership will be funded • Method of referral between partners • Duration of the Memorandum and procedures for amending the Memorandum • Other provisions as agreed upon by the parties to the MOU
In the interest of maximizing available funds, the WDB encourages proposals that reduce levels of overhead/management systems that will result in a more streamlined and efficient structure aimed at increasing services. Contracted services will be expected to generate an opportunity for job seekers to access services to improve income and/or advance in their careers and employers to access a qualified labor pool.