Specifications include, but are not limited to: The services consist of 808 acres of conifer encroachment and aspen restoration hand-work. Of the 808 acres, 696 acres require lop and scatter and 112 acres require cut and pile. Chainsaws or similar hand equipment will be used to remove conifers inside aspen clones as well as within 150’ to 200’ from the edge of aspen sprouts. •Retain all dead trees 15.0” DBH and greater HERITAGE •Sites within or near the Aspen Enhancement Units, cut conifers will either be scattered or piled outside the site buffer for concentrated burning. Addressed in layout- Heritage sites were excluded from units; •If an inadvertent discovery of cultural properties or human remains occurs during any ground disturbing activities, project work in the area shall stop and the Forest archaeologist will be notified immediately. Project activities will not resume until consultation is complete and all agreed-upon actions and mitigation measures are implemented. Standard language in final contract; •Cut stumps as close to the ground as possible and no more than 6” high •Avoid leaving visually dominant piles of slash. •After burning piles scatter any remaining slash to mask the burned ring. FS to burn; •Use broadcast or jackpot burning, where possible to mute the bright color of cut stumps where there are concentrations of visually dominant cut stumps. FS to burn; For parts of units that would be visible on ground tilted towards viewers on the Doney Lake Road (visibility analysis is based upon topographic blocking only) •Create transition zones between the cut and adjacent uncut areas by shaping and feathering the edges of cut areas. Avoid creating or leaving any visually dominant straight lines. Where cutting or thinning is adjacent to currently open or meadow areas, cutting and thinning should be increased. Where the adjacent area is dense forest, cutting and thinning should be reduced to create an effective transition. •Avoid creating multiple, small, similar sized and or geometrically spaced openings. Where possible, create larger openings with natural-appearing shaped edges. Aim to replicate the size and shape of natural opening in the area. •Leave a few clumps of trees on the west side of the project roads that cross through units S420 and S440 to break up the road line that may become visible from the Doney Lake Road.