1. TITLE: Boiler Plant Instrumentation Calibration, Combustion and Tune, Device Testing and Motor Vibration Analysis services to support the St. Cloud VA Health Care System.
2. OVERVIEW: The contractor shall provide boiler safety device testing, tuning, inspection, calibration of boiler plant equipment, burners, controls, instruments at the frequency described on the schedule below.
a. CO – Contracting Officer
b. VA – Department of Veterans Affairs
c. VAHCS – St. Cloud VA Health Care System
d. VATR – Veterans Affairs Technical Representative
e. Contractor Employee – means all Contractor staff, technicians, personnel, subcontractors, or persons working on behalf of the Contractor.
St. Cloud VA Health Care System, 4801 Veterans Drive, St. St Cloud, MN 56303
This contract will be a Single Award, Firm Fixed Price Service Contract for 1 (One) Base Year from with 4 (Four) Option Years.
- Certified Technicians shall have completed at least a one-year trade school and have five years successful experience in this field. The experience shall be largely with institutional and industrial boiler plants similar in design to the VAHCS plant.
- The VAHCS facility manager/engineer may define and accept equivalent qualifications.
- Technicians shall demonstrate familiarity with and ready access to the current versions of the following references:
- NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code.
- VHA Boiler Plant Safety Device Testing Manual, most current edition.
- Technicians shall be equipped with portable electronic flue gas analyzers and other test instruments necessary for the required tests and calibrations, to calibrate all instruments, gauges, and transmitters as required herein. All must be calibrated within one month prior to test P-1 and P-4, or recalibration must be completed.
- At facilities with programmable digital controls, the technicians must be capable of programming the controls and have the appropriate hardware and software for this.
- Any anticipated sub-contracting work shall be presented in a sub-contracting plan, which is to include the identity of the sub-contractor who will be performing the work. The CO and the VATR must approve, in writing, any sub-contract work prior to its commencement.
- The contractor shall provide experience, past performance, and references with their bid submission.
- VHA Directive 1810, Boiler and Boiler Plant Operations (most current version)
- VHA Boiler Plant Safety Device Testing Manual (most current version)
- Master Construction Specification, Division 23- Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning.
- NFPA 85 - National Fire Protection Association. Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code (most current edition)
- Boiler Safety Device Testing Data Sheet
- Combustion Performance Data Sheet
- Compliance with all state, federal, and local laws
The Contractor shall provide all transportation, lodging, meals, labor, personnel, equipment, tools, materials, and any resources necessary to provide the following services. Semiannual Boiler Combustion and Tune, Semiannual instrument calibration to include all associated instruments, Semiannual motor vibration analysis, and Annual safety device testing.
Only one boiler is allowed to be offline for testing/tune purposes at a time!
If a boiler plant emergency, site emergency, or national emergency develops, Contractor will cease testing at the request of site personnel.
P1 through P4 shall be completed in accordance with VHA Directive 1810 (Most Current Edition) and VHA Boiler and Associated Plant Safety Device Testing Manual (Most Current Edition)
P-1 - Semiannual Boiler Combustion and Tune
P-2 - Semiannual Instrumentation Calibration
P-3 - Semiannual Motor Vibration Analysis
P-4 - Annual Safety Device Testing
- Tests will follow VHA Boiler Plant Safety Device Testing Manual procedures verbatim.
- Technicians shall provide all tools, equipment, and labor necessary to perform inspection, testing, calibrating, and adjustments of burners and boiler and boiler plant controls as specified below.
This shall be done every six or twelve months in accordance with a schedule provided by VAHCS.
- Instrumentation, monitoring, and data management systems as listed per Directive 1810 Appendix B Table 2 Number 10 shall be calibrated every six months.
- Provide at least two weeks’ notice to the Boiler Plant Supervisor prior to performing the work.
Work must be conducted when the Boiler Plant Supervisor or his/her designate is available on site to monitor the work.
During normal business hours unless approved by the Boiler Plant Supervisor.
- VAHCS will have the boilers that are to be serviced prepared for the technicians upon their scheduled arrival.
This includes having the boilers clean of soot and loose scale; fully warmed and at normal steam pressure; steam exhaust silencer system operable.
- Performance Testing of Boiler, Burner, Economizer (if provided), Combustion Control, Boiler Plant Instrumentation to be done in accordance with VA Master Construction Specifications, Office of Construction and Facilities Management TIL (Technical Information Library) Division 23.
- Perform overall visual inspection of systems. Observing any minor or major deficiencies before administering test procedures.
Verify that systems comply with referenced code and VAHCS requirements.
- Perform tests on each boiler on all main burner fuels.
- Operate burner(s) on each fuel from low fire to high fire and back to low fire in at least twelve increments and record combustion performance, flue gas oxygen, carbon monoxide, NOx, fuel train pressures, atomizing train pressures, burner pressures, combustion air temperature, flue temperatures and boiler steam output.
- If required by local emissions authorities, provides services of testing firm to determine NOx and carbon monoxide. Test firm shall be acceptable to emissions authorities.
NOTE: If NOx emissions limits are applicable, list the method of testing that is required by local authorities if it differs from the method listed.
- NOx emissions shall be tested with electronic analyzer reading in parts per million. Analyzer shall be calibrated with certified test gas within three months prior to use. Analyzer shall be accurate to plus or minus 5% of reading.
Test No. P-1: Combustion and Tune
- Operate boiler on each fuel, with economizer (if provided) in service and record data for at least twelve evenly spaced steam loads from low fire start to 100% of full steam output, and in the same sequence back to low fire.
Demonstrate performance and efficiency required by paragraphs under Articles, BOILER, BURNER AND FUEL TRAINS, and ECONOMIZER.
- Demonstrate proper operation of combustion controls, draft control (if provided), feed water level controls, and instrumentation systems (Section 23 09 11, INSTRUMENTATION and CONTROL FOR BOILER PLANT).
- When flue gas oxygen trim is provided, conduct tests with trim control on manual at the zero trim (null) position (Section 23 09 11, INSTRUMENTATION and CONTROL FOR BOILER PLANT).
After completion of tests with trim control on manual control, repeat the tests on one fuel with the trim control on automatic control.
Test No. P-2: Calibration
- Check current draw of forced draft fan motor at startup and at 100 percent of maximum boiler load.
- Current draw shall not exceed full load current stamped on motor nameplate.
- This test may be combined with Test No. P-1.
- List of instrumentation and controls to be inspected and calibrated:
(Yokogawa, Rose Mount, Cleaver Brooks, McDaniel, Trerice, Setra, Ashcroft, Ari industries INC, Siemens.)
- Steam flow transmitters (all).
- Steam flow recorders/computer readout.
- Flue gas oxygen sampling, analyzing and recorder/computer readout.
- Boiler and economizer stack temperature transmitters and recorder/computer readout.
- Master steam pressure and combustion controllers.
- Boiler outlet draft controllers.
- Boiler water level controllers.
- Feedwater deaerator and condensate storage tank water level controllers including overflow.
- All pressure and temperature sensors, gauges, and transmitters.
Test Methods:
- Utilize permanent instrumentation systems for data. All systems shall be operable and in calibration.
- Utilize portable thermocouple pyrometer furnished and retained by Contractor to measure stack temperature as a verification of permanent stack temperature recorder.
- Use portable electronic flue gas analyzer to determine constituents of flue gas.
Analyzer shall be capable of measuring oxygen in percent with accuracy of plus or minus 0.5 percent oxygen and carbon monoxide in parts per million (ppm) with accuracy of plus or minus 5 percent of reading (Range 0-l000 ppm).
Obtain oxygen and carbon monoxide readings at each test point.
Calibrate instrument with certified test gases within three months prior to use and immediately after analyzer cell replacement.
- In Test No. P-1 retain boiler at each load point for a time period sufficient to permit stabilization of flue gas temperature and other parameters.
- Steam loads for tests may be furnished by the hospital systems, by operation of the steam silencer vent system, or by a combination of the above.
- Utilize dry bulb and wet bulb thermometers furnished and retained by Contractor for checking combustion air.
- Smoke testing shall be by visual observation.
If smoke density monitor is not provided, utilize Bacharach Model 21-7006 Smoke Test Kit.
If there is disagreement with the results of these tests, provide qualified observation person and tests in compliance with EPA Reference Method 9 (CFR 40, Part 60, Appendix A).
- An additional efficiency test will be required, conforming to ASME Performance Test Code PTC 4, if the boiler efficiency determined in the Test P-1 above, does not comply with requirements.
Utilize ASME Test Forms PTC 4.1.a, 4.1.b, and the abbreviated input-output and heat balance methods.
- Compare the combustion performance data with VAHCS requirements and previous readings. (Flue gas oxygen, carbon monoxide and NOx).
If necessary, make adjustments to the fuel, combustion air controllers, and FGR controller and damper to obtain the required performance.
Record the new performance data. Flash S.D. card with new tune.
P-3: Motor Vibration Analysis
- Check vibration of all electric motors in the boiler plant: burner fans, feed water motors, and condensate motors. Total of 9 motors.
Model/Serial Number
Boiler 1
Fire Tube
Cleaver Brooks
Boiler 2
Fire Tube
Cleaver Brooks
Boiler 3
Fire Tube
Cleaver Brooks
Boiler 4
Fire Tube
Cleaver Brooks
DA Tank
Industrial Steam
Stamp # 13194
Surge Tank
Industrial Steam
Stamp # 13138
Primary: Boiler Plant Supervisor, 320-252-1670 Ext. 6829
Alternate: Lead Plant Operator, 320-252-1670 Ext. 6347
Contractor shall perform on-site services during normal business hours, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays, unless otherwise coordinated with the VATR.
If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as the legal holiday. If a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as a legal holiday.
The eleven national holidays observed by the Federal Government are:
• New Years Day January 1
• Martin Luther King Jr. Day Third Monday in January
• Presidents Day Third Monday in February
• Memorial Day Last Monday in May
• Juneteenth June 19
• Independence Day July 4
• Labor Day First Monday in September
• Columbus Day Second Monday in October
• Veterans Day November 11
• Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November
• Christmas Day December 25
• Any additional Federal Holiday declared by the President of the United States
The Contractor shall coordinate with the VATR for an agreed upon work schedule to determine when services can be performed.
Work may be required to be performed outside of normal duty hours if mutually agreed upon by the VATR or designate and Contractor. Any work resulting in hours outside of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm CT because of operational impacts shall occur at no additional expense to the Government.
The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 48-hour notice of any schedule changes.
Model Number Serial Number
Type of Service
Testing Month(s)
Boiler # 1-3 Boiler # 4,
DA Tank,
Surge Tank
Fire Tube
Cleaver Brooks
Instrument Calibration
April - May October - November
Boiler # 1-3 Boiler # 4,
DA Tank,
Surge Tank
Fire Tube
Cleaver Brooks
Safety Device Testing
October –
Boiler # 1-3 Boiler # 4
Fire Tube
Cleaver Brooks
Combustion Tuning
April - May October - November
Boiler # 1-3 Boiler # 4,
DA Tank,
Surge Tank
Fire Tube
Cleaver Brooks
Motor Vibration Analysis
April - May October - November
PERFORMANCE DATA REPORTS: The Contractor shall develop and submit to the Government for approval, a written report for instrumentation and calibration, and vibration analysis within ten (10) calendar days after contract award.
The Contractor shall submit completed required reports on all services to the VATR within fifteen (15) business days from the completion of services.
At a minimum, the report shall contain:
- Device description and/or model number
- Date(s) of services
- Method
- Equipment inspection checklist and comment section for identifying system defects
- Name and signature of service technician
- Defects/deficiencies (if applicable)
- Combustion Performance Data Sheet
After a calibration/testing/inspection/analyzed service has been accomplished for each device, a service label shall be placed conspicuously, readily accessible, visible, and legible, on the device in the immediate vicinity of the system tag or existing device label.
The label shall be writeable and made of heat resistant, self-destructing material with self-sticking adhesive on the back.
The label shall be pre-printed with the following information:
- Company name or identifier (logo) with the company’s full address
- Technician name (Signature line)
- All information pertaining to complete date of service: year, month, day.
- This system has been: Inspected or Certified
- All information pertaining to next service due: days and years.
- This information shall be clearly and permanently affixed to the label capable of withstanding the elements.
The Contractor is solely responsible for compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, the Occupational, Safety and Health Act (OSHA) (Public Law 91-596) and the resulting standards, OSHA Standards 29 CFR 1910 and 1926, as applicable and shall perform all work in a safe manner as required by these standards.
The Contractor shall implement an Occupational Safety and Health Plan to ensure the safety of their personnel, as well as the protection of Government personnel and property. Additionally, the Contractor is responsible for the safety and health of all sub-Contractor employees.
The Contractor shall provide a verbal report to the CO within 24 hours of an accident resulting in injury, death, occupational disease, or adverse environmental impact.
The Contractor shall provide a completed copy of required accident investigation reports to the CO within five calendar days of each occurrence.
The contractor shall have in place a documented and comprehensive Health and Safety program to ensure all shredding activities are provided in a safe and secure manor.
Contractor and/or all sub-contracted personal are required to always wear and have visible a Contractor Badge.
Badges are issued by Facilities Management (FM), B-3, second floor. FM Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
The Contractor shall be required to obtain and display identification badges for all employees requiring access to the St Cloud VA Facility.
These badges will be Government furnished and issued to Contractor employees upon initial entry, under contract.
Identification shall be always worn on the outer clothing between the neck and waist on the front of the body and visible with the Contractor’s name plainly displayed.
Loss of a contractor badge shall be reported to the VATR no later than the following workday. There is a $30.00 fee for a lost badge.
All contract personal shall be checked in by Facilities Management (FM) located in building 3, second floor.
Contractor personnel will be escorted by VA staff.
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to Government equipment and property.
The Contractor shall report damage of Government property or equipment to the Contracting Officer and/or VATR within 24 hours of the incident.
The contractor shall submit invoice(s) in arrears after the services have been completed.
Invoice shall include, but not limited to:
- Contract Number
- Purchase Order (PO) Number (changes each option year)
- Date of Service
- Location
- Description
- Quantities
1 - Master Construction Specification, Division 23- Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
1 - VHA Directive 1810, Boiler and Boiler Plant Operations
2 - VHA Boiler Plant Safety Device Testing Manual -Most Current Edition
3 - Combustion Performance Data Sheet
4 – Safety Device Testing Data Sheet