The Consultant will assist the NDOT in the development of a detailed Feasibility Study to assess and identify potential mitigation strategies to significantly reduce the threat of vehicle collisions with big game species, in particular the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep that frequently cross Nebraska highway 71 (N-71). The Study will focus on the Wildcat Hills region of N-71, located approximately 7 miles south of Gering, NE. This location sees regular wildlife crossings and the risk of collisions will only increase as the Heartland Expressway expands and traffic grows. The Study will engage the Consultant in several tasks: 1. To establish baseline information for the study area, the Consultant will collect data and perform analyses on a variety of study area elements. This includes but is not limited to, historic and future traffic data along the N-71 corridor, wildlife movements (specifically bighorn sheep - based on collar data) and population trends, review of historical wildlife vehicle collision (WVC) data and stakeholder consultation among other things. 2. The Consultant will conduct research and evaluation of potential strategies to mitigate WVCs. Consideration for strategies will be given to 1) long-term biological impacts and movement patterns post-construction for bighorn sheep and other game and nongame species, especially to threatened and endangered species present on the alignment, 2) constructability, including environmental impacts, such as water resources and archaeological /section 106 impacts, 3) cost-effectiveness, including construction and maintenance, 4) impact on future programming and operations for the N-71 corridor, and 5) geotechnical analysis. This work will also include the development of evaluation criteria involving the above considerations and the criteria formatted in a comparison matrix to evaluate benefits and costs of each potential mitigation strategy. 3. The Consultant will prepare a final report, to include a provision of recommended strategies featuring the benefit-cost analysis outlined above. This work will also involve the development of an implementation plan for up to three (3) strategies, to include high-level cost estimates and funding strategies.