The City of North Las Vegas (“City”) occasionally requires periodic power washing services for all sidewalks and crosswalks located within the City, and all of the sidewalks around City Hall on an as needed basis. The City reserves the right to add or remove locations for service after award of contract. All pricing should include any and all costs of equipment in an hourly rate. Project Specifications The Provider shall provide pressure washing services for all sidewalks and crosswalks located within the City, and for City Hall. The Provider will provide washer and scrubber system with PSI rating of at least 3,000 PSI. The Provider will provide washer and scrubber systems that use water heated to a minimum of 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The Provider will provide washer and scrubber system capable of full reclamation, recovery, and proper disposal of the wash wastewater from the cleaning activities. The Provider will provide any other necessary equipment needed to perform the power washing services outlined in this agreement. The Provider will promote a safe work environment, and utilize appropriate signage at worksites informing the public that the sidewalk/crosswalk is closed for cleaning. All work will be based per site only, and performed upon the direction of the City project officer. To the extent possible, the City will provide 72-hour notice for all scheduled work. In the event of an emergency, the City will negotiate with the vendor for a mutually agreed time. Sidewalks and crosswalks shall be cleaned to the following standards: Surfaces are free of trash, dirt, mud, gum, grime, mildew, bodily fluids, sediment, and debris. Surfaces will be free of visible residue, build ups, and spills. Oil and grease that have not penetrated the surface shall be removed. The Contractor is not expected to remove stains that have discolored the concrete. Periodically, the Contractor will receive a list from the City’s Traffic Operations Department of crosswalks that are in need of this service and, once work is performed, the work will be verified and accepted prior to the approval of payment. In the event that the work happens to cover multiple lanes of traffic for crosswalk cleaning, the Contractor shall not move to the next travel lane and begin cleaning until the previous area that has been washed is thoroughly dry to minimize vehicle tires tracking residue, dirt, grime, etcetera. Contractor shall contact Traffic Operations (702-633-4022) 72 hours prior to the beginning of the work-shift to notify of lane closures. The Contractor will be expected to comply with requirements outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which can be located at website. All required traffic control equipment will be provided by the Contractor.