Provide 300 licenses to the Goalbook Toolkit software to be issued at SPCSA’s discretion to charter school case managers of students with disabilities. Provide system administration rights to SPCSA users as designated which must include access to assign all schools’ logins and rights to review school level data and analytics. Provide Onsite Professional Development (agenda and workshop topics selections can be adjusted as needed). Topic areas included are but not limited to: Standards-Based Instruction, Universal Design for Learning, Social and Emotional Learning, Present Level Statements, Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, Differentiation and Scaffolding, Standard Alignment, Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning and Rigorous Instruction. Provide online training for educators, tailored to site or job based instructional focus areas and needs. Establish standards based off Nevada Academic Content Standards. The established standards shall be updated upon any subsequent modification of Nevada Academic Content standards. Provide a dedicated partnership success team to work with district implementation leads. Provide detailed usage and engagement reports provided to implementation leads and district leadership delivered via email quarterly and upon request. Provide dedicated technical support. Provide access to Instructional Coaching implementation. Provide mid-year and end of year in-person consultation for review and planning into the academic year’s goals.