(a) The primary responsibility of the administrative agent is to ensure that the restricted units under administration are sold or rented, as applicable, only to low- and moderate-income households. Among the responsibilities of the administrative agent are the following: 1. Conducting an outreach process to insure affirmative marketing of affordable housing units in accordance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.15; 2. Soliciting, scheduling, conducting and following up on interviews with interested households; 3. Conducting interviews and obtaining sufficient documentation of gross income and assets upon which to base a determination of income eligibility for a low- or moderate-income unit; 4. Providing written notification to each applicant as to the determination of eligibility or non-eligibility; 5. Creating and maintaining a referral list of eligible applicant households living in the COAH region and eligible applicant households with members working in the COAH region where the units are located; 6. Employing a random selection process when referring households for certification to affordable units; 7. Furnishing to attorneys or closing agents forms of deed restrictions and mortgages for recording at the time of conveyance of title of each restricted unit; 8. Creating and maintaining a file on each restricted unit for its control period, including the recorded deed with restrictions, recorded mortgage and note, as appropriate; 9. Instituting and maintaining an effective means of communicating information between owners and the administrative agent regarding the availability of restricted units for resale or rental; 10. Instituting and maintaining an effective means of communicating information to low- and moderateincome households regarding the availability of restricted units for resale or re-rental;