A. Provide engineering services as requested by the City of Linden, including but not be limited to studies, design and inspection for: ● Site, land use and environmental planning. ● Facility, infrastructure and project design, construction, and operation ● Building systems evaluations. ● Mechanical design services. ● Transportation and traffic signals. ● Storm and sanitary sewers and watercourses. ● Airports. ● Landfill. ● Railway. ● Solar. B. Development of as-built plans, treatability and process evaluation, and feasibility and comparative cost review. C. Review and evaluate permit requirements. D. Prepare and submit applications, correspondence, and the like to the New Jersey Department of Transportation, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and any other applicable regulatory agency, as required. E. Attend regular, special and emergency meetings of the City of Linden, if required. F. Attend all other meetings and bid related conferences that the City of Linden deems necessary. G. Prepare and/or review of reports, permits, applications and bid documents as requested by the City of Linden. H. Review of all correspondence referred by the City of Linden and prepare correspondence on behalf of the City of Linden, if requested. I. Interact with applicable City personnel and other governmental agencies, as required. J. Provide a range of other specialized engineering services which may be needed by the City. K. Combined Certification: Prohibited Activities in Russia and Belarus & Investment Activities in Iran.