The intent of this solicitation is to provide a contract for various electronic payment processing. Currently, the Newark Board of Education (NBOE, District) requires a payment solution for two vendors, Facebook Advertising and MailChimp, both of which only accept credit card payments. The NBOE exclusively uses a purchase order check payment process. C1.2 The awarded Contractor will not receive the District’s credentials for the platforms. On-site or virtual meetings with the Board’s representative shall be required for processing payment. The awarded vendor is responsible for keeping credit card details up-to-date for each platform for the life of the contract. C1.3 The submission of a bid will be construed to mean that the Bidder is fully informed as to the extent and character of the services required, and a representation that the Bidder can furnish the services satisfactorily in complete compliance with the specifications. C1.4 The conditions and requirements are intended to be open and non-restrictive and are to serve as average standards for the purpose of obtaining adequate participation of interested vendors; uniformity in the submission of bids, and selection for the most responsible Bidder. C1.5 The Newark Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informality in any proposal in accordance with applicable law.