a. Proposals are being solicited for 150 +/- acres of Cow Pointe and 46+/- acres of Stokes Square and may be awarded separately or jointly. b. The farmer has the discretion to select whatever crop he/she desires so long as consistent with the Township’s desired agricultural land use practices to put farm land to good use and in so doing, to minimize erosion or runoff from the parcels. c. The farmer will pay the Township a proposed fee per acre per year (based on total parcel acreage) for the use of the fields; said payment shall be due after harvest but not later than October 15th of each year. d. The farmer, at his/her sole expense, will be responsible for the soil preparation, seeding, harvesting, marketing the crop, and all the additives/input deemed necessary to improve the soil and increase yield, subject to the Township’s review and approval. e. The farmer has the option to grow a winter crop between annual corn crops. f. The farmer will provide the Township with necessary information upon request to include soil test reports, all inputs and yield on each field. g. The farmer will maintain any berms, buffers, filter strips and/or setbacks that are currently in place along the respective fields and may not remove any native vegetation or trees without the Township’s express approval. h. The farmer will till the Township’s community garden area, consisting of 1 acre, located in Freedom Park in both the spring and fall of each year at no charge to the Township. h. All proceeds from harvests produced through the use of the fields shall insure to the sole benefit of the farmer.