Specifications include, but are not limited to: Statement of Purpose: The City of Salem Police Department (SPD) is seeking a qualified bidder to provide a turnkey gunshot detection technology solution. Due to increased gun violence incidents, there is a concern that the number of firearms coupled with the lack of reporting incidents will increase the number of citizens affected by gun violence. The Salem Police Department (SPD) is in search of a vendor to conduct an analysis of the local crime trends and help identify those areas which are vulnerable to gunfire incidents. Statement of Work: 1. Provide installation of sensors in places with high concentrations of gun violence. 2. Aid in developing communication methods with community members early and often. 3. Develop clear policies and procedures before implementation of gunshot detection technology. 4. Make training an on-going priority for 911 operators and responding officers. 5. Develop accountability mechanisms for internal users and external customers. 6. Assess departmental capacity for data integration and management before implementing the gunshot detection technology. 7. Provide methods on leveraging complementary and existing technologies with gunshot detection technology