The contractor shall meet with representatives of the County to tour the collection sites no later than two (2) weeks prior to the first scheduled collection date. The County will provide pre-registration information prior to each scheduled event and the contractor shall provide certification of liability insurance. B. The contractor shall review the pre-registration list. In the past, every available appointment has been filled. C. All set up work shall be completed one (1) hour prior to start up on the date of the scheduled program. The contractor must be off site and finished with all site work within three (3) hours after accepting the last vehicle. D. The contractor will provide all the required and necessary equipment to conduct the Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Program. E. Provisions must be made by the contractor to have all scales certifiable either by substitution or by mechanical correction. The contractor shall utilize only scales which are tested, approved and registered by the New Jersey Office of Weights and Measures. For additional information, contact the NJ Office of Weights and Measures at (732) 815-4840. F. Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of all non-hazardous debris resulting from the collection day activities including the recycling of empty paint cans from the consolidation of paints and all plastic pails, containers and buckets. At a minimum, at least one (1) 30 cubic yard roll-off container must be provided by the contractor for paint cans and another container for the plastic waste. G. The contractor shall provide for consolidation of all paints received at the collection site and the oil based paints must be either recycled or used as a fuel. Latex paint may be landfilled.