Specifications include, but are not limited to: The ESCNJ Cooperative Pricing System is requesting bids for HVAC – Time & Material. The purpose of this bid is to provide emergency repair service, consulting and preventative maintenance service on all equipment, controllers, and associated devices related to the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and building control systems (pneumatic, electric, direct digital control, automation, etc.). Vendors shall furnish all labor, parts, materials, test equipment, tools, programming materials, and services in conformance with the terms and conditions as outlined in this bid. The intent of the contract is to permit ESCNJ Co-op Members to enter into agreements to perform building maintenance and make certain repairs, upgrades and modifications to its facilities under the HVAC trade. This RFB is not intended to be utilized for the purpose of undertaking a major capital project normally bid as an entire project through a general contractor or through multiple primes.