I. Support Services Required The following details the services to be provided to the Borough of Roseland in the area of information services between the hours of 8:30a.m to 4:30p.m for Borough Offices, Fire Department and 24/7 support for the Police Department. a. Initial Assessment – Compile/update inventory of all information technology related assets, assess system architecture and current processes, and make recommendations for improved Boroughwide IT system performance. b. Desktop Applications Support - Performs basic support functions including installing new PCs, laptops, tablets, software and connectivity issues with copy machines and printers, peripheral devices, and office automation software; diagnosing and correcting desktop application problems, configuring laptops and desktops for standard applications and identifying and correcting end user hardware problems, and performing advanced troubleshooting. Maintain an up-to-date shareable Google Sheet inventory of ALL Borough computer related hardware including projected replacement cycle AND all Borough email addresses (roselandnj.org and roselandpolice.org domains) that is available to Borough personnel upon request. Assist and advise designated Borough personnel with software and hardware purchases. Assist in development of software/hardware policies and procedures. c. Server Administration Services - Managing computer systems and networks to include complex application, database, messaging, web and other servers and associated hardware, software, communications, operating systems necessary for the quality, security, performance, availability, recoverability, and reliability of the system. Ensure scheduled preventive maintenance for equipment is properly and promptly performed; maintain the maintenance records on the equipment; develop operations, administrative, and quality assurance back-up plans and procedural documentation. Setup new users and edit or remove existing users on the server. Server performance and Borough management services with reporting when specified thresholds are reached. Configuration management, including changes, upgrades, patches, etc. Support of Edmunds financial software and other specialized software products of the Borough of Roseland as it relates to the server(s) and associated hardware. Management of user logins and security. Coordinate repair and maintenance work with contracted repair vendors and ensure repairs are conducted in a timely fashion. d. Network Administration Services – Scope of activity includes all Borough network equipment including switches, firewalls, routers, and other security devices. Primary installation and maintenance of printers, network copiers/scanners, etc. Primary maintenance including regular analysis, routine configuration changes, and installation of patches and upgrades. Alert notifications to designated Borough personnel in the event of failure. Complete proactive monitoring of network equipment including bandwidth utilization, and other performance indicators, with reporting when specified thresholds are reached. Network performance and Borough management services, and network troubleshooting. Maintain network documentation and procedures. e. Security – Maintenance of virus detection programs on Borough servers, email and all other Borough computers and laptops. Perform security audits as requested and notify Borough personnel immediately of suspected breaches of security or instruction detection. Configure Borough system to enable remote access in a secure environment and provide remote access administration as requested by designated Borough personnel. The I.T. company will need to ensure that the Borough complies with state guidelines and all Borough insurance regulations related to cyber security, software, and equipment. 2.. Additional Services and Licenses - a. Monthly Offsite Backup-4TB Storage b. Monthly Duo Security-Dual Authentication c. Annual Cloud Backup with Veeam Cloud Connect and Replication d. Network Firewall Services e. Anti-Virus 3. Other – Engineering, planning, and design services for major system enhancements, including installations and upgrades of new or existing systems. Examples include major server upgrades, storage system upgrades, redesign of backup systems, etc. Provide technical leadership for server technology issues. Make recommendations for future purchasing and technology needs. Install new servers, software and hardware and transfer data when acquired. Strategic planning, design, and installation/upgrade of core network systems. Examples include major network upgrades, provider changes, IP schema redesign, installation of “core” network devices, etc.