o Proactively managing the engineering pool and advocating on behalf of the Township to ensure deliverables are timely, appropriate and efficient. o In-house design and management of projects and preparations of specifications. o Interact with applicable Township personnel, Contractors, other consultants and governmental agencies, as required and as an advocate of the Township of Neptune o Site, Land Use and environmental planning o Facility infrastructure and project design o Building systems evaluations o Traffic signals o Storm and sanitary sewers o Well closures o Manage capital projects o Development of as-built plans, feasibility and comparative cost reviews. o Review and evaluate permit requirements. o Prepare and submit applications, correspondence, and the like to the New Jersey Department of Transportation, NJDEP and any other applicable agency, as required. o Studies for areas in need of rehabilitation or redevelopment and plans for same coordinated with the SDRP, master plan and Smart Growth and Transit village initiatives. o Brownfield’s rehabilitation – Applying for and administering grants, coordinating with DEP. o Roadway Reconstruction o Surveying o Site engineering