ntroduction Pursuant to the Fair and Open Process established by N.J.S.A. 19:44A-1, et seq., the Township seeks Requests for Qualifications (“RFQ”) from law firms licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey that wish to serve as Labor and Employment Attorney for the Township of Neptune. The successful firm must have significant experience in representing New Jersey public entities in a variety of areas of consultation and litigation in State and Federal Courts, administrative forums and arbitration. The successful firm will provide the Township with legal guidance relating to, but not necessarily limited to: 1. Matters involving labor and employment issues, including but not limited to court appearances, arbitrations, conferences, negotiations, meetings, research, investigations, correspondence, telephone calls, preparation and drafting of pleadings and other legal documents, trial preparation and related work. 2. Negotiations of contracts or other labor disputes 3. Any other matters as directed by the Township related to labor and employment matters.