The following is a confidential survey questionnaire designed to apprise USACE of prospective dredging contractors’ project execution capabilities. Please provide your response to the following questions. All questions are regarding industry’s general capabilities in executing maintenance dredging projects.
1. Do you have the capability to pump out material from a scow, barge, or similar equipment, after it has been dredged mechanically? If so, please explain the equipment needed and the process.
2. Do you own or have access to a scow / barge with pump out capability?
a. If so, what is the capacity of the scow / barge?
b. Does the pump out scow / barge have bottom dumping capability as well, or is it sealed?
c. Can the dredged material be placed directly into the pump out scow / barge, or does the dredged material need to be rehandled and transferred from a separate scow into the pump out scow / barge?
3. Can sandy dredged material be pumped from the pump out scow / barge to an upland beach site or stockpile site?
a. If so, what would be the average rate (volume per day) sandy material could be pumped from the scow / barge to an upland beach or stockpile.
b. What would be the approximate pump distance capability from the pump out scow / barge with no addition of a booster pump(s)? Approximate pump distance capability from the pump out scow / barge with the addition of a booster pump(s)?
4. Can sandy dredged material be pumped from the scow / barge into shallow water, in a bay, to create bottom habitat? What would be the average rate (volume per day) sandy material could be pumped out into shallow water in a bay, not having sufficient depth for bottom dumping placement? What would be the approximate pump distance capability in those conditions, with and without the addition of a booster pump(s)?
5. What would be the approximate percentage of cost differential when comparing the cost of off-shore / ocean placement using a bottom dump scow, to the cost of beach placement and off-shore placement into shallow water using a scow / barge with pump out capability? (Please assuming the same travel distance and account for the extra cost of heavy equipment associated with beach placement and the potential need for a shallow draft scow / barge for shallow water placement). The cost differential would be used for planning purposes only.