Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Handling press inquiries and dealing with all aspects of media coverage for a school district (therefore, the successful respondent must have experience dealing with such issues for school districts and/or government entities; • Assisting school districts with creating public interest in meetings & events. • Advise in the development of communications strategy and talking points on projects or issues; • Develop news releases for approval and distribution; • Assist and advise on daily media inquiries; • Provide communications and media training to schools personnel when needed; • Develop a media response protocol; • Advise on crisis communication including, but not limited to: o Develop, maintain, and exercise proper crisis communications plans as may be needed; o Work with the schools during a crisis situation, to include issues analysis and development of key messages and communication strategies relating to internal and external messaging; o Provide expert advice and support when working with the legislature or reviewing legislation; o Advise on engagement with stakeholders to maintain credibility, transparency, and strengthen relationships; and, • Help plan, support, and/or conduct News conferences or informal briefings and Community advisory meetings. • Plan, manage, and assist with community outreach efforts for selected projects.