Specifications include, but are not limited to: Board Attorney-the Board Attorney acts as General Counsel to the KEZDC and as such attends monthly meetings to report on legal activities; acts as lender’s counsel for loans made by the KEZDC to participating Zone businesses; handles any litigation in which the KEZDC might become involved. Marketing, Public Relations and Special Events Coordinator-the Board sponsors several annual holiday events and celebrations, including spring and fall sales and marketing event and winter tree lighting event, for which the coordinator will be required to fulfill the following functions and provide and design materials and events, together with promotion and advertisement of the event: 1. Design, coordinate and implement a comprehensive holiday event schedule, marketing and public relations program to be named as mutually agreed between the parties; 2. Preparation and distribution of press releases, advertising, posters and flyers as necessary and as may be requested by the client; 3. Attendance at holiday events and activities to coordinate publicity and maximize participation; 4. Arrange for holding appropriate press conferences or distributing press releases or advertisements as directed by the client; 5. Perform any other related duties in the area of public relations specifically directed by the client including preparation and distribution of brochures, pamphlets, newsletters or other promotional materials and event promotion; 6. Other responsibilities may include preparation of a newsletter, as requested, graphic design and production of a business recruitment package, and preparation and distribution of press releases and public relations materials. 7. All other duties and responsibilities that may be included in providing the above services.