The successful Firm will provide the Planning Board with Professional guidance relating to but not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Legal services performed in connection with Planning Board matters, including but not limited to conferences, regular and any special Planning Board meetings, telephone conferences and consultations, legal research and advisory opinions, litigation, correspondence, negotiations, application review, travel and other matters related to Planning Board business as directed and assigned by the Township Director of Engineering and Planning. 2. Representing the Neptune Township Planning Board in litigation in the State of New Jersey and in any and all other proceedings wherein the Attorney’s Professional Services may be required and wherein the Planning Board is a party or its rights or interests are involved. This shall include but not be limited to all court appearances, all work associated with any litigation, including initiating suit or defending any suit, as duly authorized by the Planning Board. 3. Keeping the Planning Board and Administration advised of the character and progress of legal proceedings, claims and other matters handled by the Attorney, and keeping a record of all such proceedings in connection with same, for and on behalf of the Planning Board. 4. Research, draft ordinances and/or resolution, and any other matters as directed by the Planning Board. 5. The Planning Board Attorney, as stipulated in the RFQ, is expected to be present at all meetings. If there is a change, adequate notice shall be given. 6. The Planning Board Attorney shall bill services in accordance with the schedule outlined below: All billing shall be received monthly and sent with an executed Municipal Voucher. Billing shall be in accordance with NJSA 40: 55D-1, et seq. 7. Compliance with the requirements of monthly billing and proper management of escrow accounts to assure sufficient funding is in place and timely notice to developer’s can be made is necessary.